Monday, March 26, 2012

frying pan to fire - log ship or something else

The sql server 2000 is on its last legs and although we have a new 2005
server, no plan for migration has had time to congeal. Meanwhile the concern
that the older server will die has prompted us to construct a second
duplicate server which we are planning to use to log ship from the old server
to the new. In the event of a disaster, the plan is to switch the plant load
over to the server receiving the logs. Tomorrow is the day to try the plan
but I am having last minute doubts and wonder if a better solution may exist.
Jamie - this is quite a well-used and well-supported methodology and will
ensure that everything is maintained. I have an article which illustrates
the differences between log shipping and transactional replication
( which might be useful.
Clustering will give you automatic failover, as will database mirroring when
you move to SQL Server 2005.
Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP, .
|||You have two options log shipping and transactional replication. With log
shipping your exposure to data loss is greater - it is the time period since
the last database dump.
With transactional replication your subscriber/destination can be within
seconds of the publisher/source.
Hilary Cotter
Director of Text Mining and Database Strategy
RelevantNOISE.Com - Dedicated to mining blogs for business intelligence.
This posting is my own and doesn't necessarily represent RelevantNoise's
positions, strategies or opinions.
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
"thejamie" <> wrote in message
> The sql server 2000 is on its last legs and although we have a new 2005
> server, no plan for migration has had time to congeal. Meanwhile the
> concern
> that the older server will die has prompted us to construct a second
> duplicate server which we are planning to use to log ship from the old
> server
> to the new. In the event of a disaster, the plan is to switch the plant
> load
> over to the server receiving the logs. Tomorrow is the day to try the
> plan
> but I am having last minute doubts and wonder if a better solution may
> exist.
> Takers?
> --
> Regards,
> Jamie
|||Log shipping does not appear to be an option when right clicking the database
and selecting properties. (SQLMgr 2005)
"Hilary Cotter" wrote:

> You have two options log shipping and transactional replication. With log
> shipping your exposure to data loss is greater - it is the time period since
> the last database dump.
> With transactional replication your subscriber/destination can be within
> seconds of the publisher/source.
> --
> Hilary Cotter
> Director of Text Mining and Database Strategy
> RelevantNOISE.Com - Dedicated to mining blogs for business intelligence.
> This posting is my own and doesn't necessarily represent RelevantNoise's
> positions, strategies or opinions.
> Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
> Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
> "thejamie" <> wrote in message
|||Are you using Express Edition? Any other edition should have the option
"Transaction Log Shipping" on the database properties screen.
Paul Ibison
|||It specifically states on the screen (SQL Server 2000) that log shipping is
an Enterprise only option. Perhaps SP4 removes this restriction? We would
like to upgrade but fear issues with the production server and the firmware
that cannot yet be applied.
"Paul Ibison" wrote:

> Are you using Express Edition? Any other edition should have the option
> "Transaction Log Shipping" on the database properties screen.
> Rgds,
> Paul Ibison
|||I should add, that if it helps, we also have 3 MSDN subscriptions and that
two of us are Partners and two of us have personal MSDN subscriptions.
Unfortunately the company would require two processor licenses to go
"Paul Ibison" wrote:

> Are you using Express Edition? Any other edition should have the option
> "Transaction Log Shipping" on the database properties screen.
> Rgds,
> Paul Ibison
|||OK - I've answered this issue in your other post as there is a big
Paul Ibison

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