Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ftp task

Is is possible by ftp task to unzip the file and take the respective text file and place it in the local system.

sureshv wrote:

Is is possible by ftp task to unzip the file and take the respective text file and place it in the local system.

No. Unzipping a file has nothing to do with FTP and never will be included in such a task.

Use an Execute Process Task after the FTP task to unzip it.

Use a File System Task after the Execute Process task to move the resulting file, if needed. You usually can use command line arguments to the unzip process to direct the ZIP utility where to place the unzipped file.|||

what i am trying to do is i get a zip file (which has a text file) .

This zipfile is located on a different server.I want to transfer text file located with in the zip to a different server and then i run my package.

i want to setup my packages in such a way that they run automatically.

so in this case i guess i need to use ftp task to get the zip file to local server and then unzip it as u said..


sureshv wrote:

so in this case i guess i need to use ftp task to get the zip file to local server and then unzip it as u said..

Correct. I've spelled out the steps you need.

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