Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dear all,

I have problem in my ftp task.For example,
I create two variable remotepath and localpath to set up remote and local path of ftp task. And the IsRemotePathVariable and IsLocalPathVariable is set to true.

I create two funtions to retrun the pathvalue. The return value

is like 'D:\A.TXT' , but in DTSX the varible value is changed to 'D:\\A.TXT'. So my ftp task fail.

How can I overcome this problem?

Thanks a lot.



Replace all occurences of "\\" with "\" if its causing you a problem.

You can do this in an expression.



It doesn't actually change the value. It is just that the undelying engine for SSIS is written in C and "\" is an escape character. To actually display the value of "\" it has to be preceeded by a "\". so to use/display it in a string it appears as "\\". For example \r actually means a carriage return.

As for your situation what error are you getting?


when the path value is changed to "\\" , the error is as bellow,

Error: 0xC0029183 at FTP Task, FTP Task: File represented by "User::FTPPATH" does not exist.
Task failed: FTP Task


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