I'm new to SSIS but have been using BizTalk for a while. My question is, if the FTP task in SSIS ensures guranteed delivery of the files transferred. I know that in BTS, potnetially you can start processing incomplete files (unless you set the staging, temp folder). Can this be a problem in SSIS FTP transfer? I'll be dealing with very large files (5 gigs in some cases) transfers via FTP, on an unreliable network in my project, which means that the file can be partially transferred when the connection breaks down.
I need to know, if in SSIS
(1) FTP task supports partial transfers, and then resuming the download/ upload of these files from point of failure, when the network is again available (Regets, Reputs)?
(2) If EOF is received, before the rest of data is received, especially in the case if 1) is supported, then does FTP task believe that whole file is received or will it wait for the rest of content, before task completion?
I'll appreciate if someone can answer these and can also send me the details of FTP implementation in SSIS
Ali Shahzad
Ali Shahzad wrote:
I need to know, if in SSIS
(1) FTP task supports partial transfers, and then resuming the download/ upload of these files from point of failure, when the network is again available (Regets, Reputs)?
No, that won't happen
Ali Shahzad wrote:
(2) If EOF is received, before the rest of data is received, especially in the case if 1) is supported, then does FTP task believe that whole file is received or will it wait for the rest of content, before task completion?
I don't know the answer to that one I'm afraid.
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