Friday, March 23, 2012

Frustrating: Can't get to Provider Options in SQL 2005 Express?

What are you trying to achieve?
Look at the sp_addlinkedserver system procedure.
"Thou shall lear to type. Clicking is the work of the Devil."
-- undisclosed apostle
ML, but I have already used sp_addlinkedserver.
I am trying to set the "allow inprocess" provider options... according to
research in the NG's and BOL (see "Linked Server Properties (Provider
Options Page)"), this is set from a dialog that I am unable to access. I
can't see it when adding a new linked server, editing an existing one, or
right-clicking on the provider in Management Studio.
Any ideas?
"ML" <> wrote in message
> What are you trying to achieve?
> Look at the sp_addlinkedserver system procedure.
> "Thou shall lear to type. Clicking is the work of the Devil."
> -- undisclosed apostle
> ;)
> ML
> --
I'm trying to get to the provider options screen in SQL2K5 Management
Studio, however I am unable to find it anywhere. This is really
frustrating... Here is what I am trying to do:
1.. In SQL Mgmt Studio, connect to the SQL Server Database Engine and go
to Server Objects->Linked Server->Providers in the Object Explorer.
2.. Right-click on a provider and select Properties.
However, all I can see when I right-click is "Refresh" ... How can I access
the provider options? Is this a limitation of the Express database? Is there
a stored proc I can use?
Michael|||What are you trying to achieve?
Look at the sp_addlinkedserver system procedure.
"Thou shall lear to type. Clicking is the work of the Devil."
-- undisclosed apostle
ML|||Thanks, but I have already used sp_addlinkedserver.
I am trying to set the "allow inprocess" provider options... according to
research in the NG's and BOL (see "Linked Server Properties (Provider
Options Page)"), this is set from a dialog that I am unable to access. I
can't see it when adding a new linked server, editing an existing one, or
right-clicking on the provider in Management Studio.
Any ideas?
"ML" <> wrote in message
> What are you trying to achieve?
> Look at the sp_addlinkedserver system procedure.
> "Thou shall lear to type. Clicking is the work of the Devil."
> -- undisclosed apostle
> ;)
> ML
> --

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