Friday, March 23, 2012

Frustrated with Parameters Automatically Reloading the Report

Here's the scenario: I have two report parameters, both with default values.
As I would expect, the report loads automatically in Preview mode. But why,
when I try to change either parameter value, it seems to automatically reload
the report on simply setting focus to the text box for the other parameter.
I can't seem to stop this from happening, and it actually prevents me from
being able to run the report with any other values than the default values.
Am I missing something?
The easiest way to stop it is not to populate parameter 2 with a default and
make sure the parameter does NOT allow blanks.
Normally you can stop the report, change the parameters and click view
report to re-run it.
But remember the 'preview' doesn't necessarily behave the same as when
deployed. I don't use the preview mode much anymore because of this. I find
it better to deploy (or run) to a developement area (use solutions
configuration to switch between Debug and Production to handle this) and then
you get a more accurate picture of it's likely behaviour in the wild.
It's not that much extra hassle to do it this way, if you right click the
report in the solution explorer window you can deploy or deploy & Run just
that report.
Solutions Configurator properties can be accessed by clicking the project
name in the Solution Explorer and selecting properties. You can set different
deployment folders for Debug and Production modes here.
"JohnJohn" wrote:
> Hello.
> Here's the scenario: I have two report parameters, both with default values.
> As I would expect, the report loads automatically in Preview mode. But why,
> when I try to change either parameter value, it seems to automatically reload
> the report on simply setting focus to the text box for the other parameter.
> I can't seem to stop this from happening, and it actually prevents me from
> being able to run the report with any other values than the default values.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> John

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