Friday, March 23, 2012

Frontpage 2000 AND SQL Server 7

Well I'm brand new to frontpage and SQL so I'm probably doing something
really stupid... but here's the problem. I have created a form that
saves it's information to an SQL server databse. So I created all the
fields on the form and created corresponding columns in a a table in
the SQL database. All is working fine except for 2 scrolling text box
fields. When I try to associate those fields with the columns in the
SQL Databse, frontpage tells me that the fields do not match - I have
tried changing the column type from char to varchar and others but it
still won't work. All other fields that have radio buttons and text
boxes work ok with char. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated,
Micheal( writes:
> Well I'm brand new to frontpage and SQL so I'm probably doing something
> really stupid... but here's the problem. I have created a form that
> saves it's information to an SQL server databse. So I created all the
> fields on the form and created corresponding columns in a a table in
> the SQL database. All is working fine except for 2 scrolling text box
> fields. When I try to associate those fields with the columns in the
> SQL Databse, frontpage tells me that the fields do not match - I have
> tried changing the column type from char to varchar and others but it
> still won't work. All other fields that have radio buttons and text
> boxes work ok with char. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated,

Hey, I use Frontpage for making my web pages, but I have no idea you make
forms that you associate with a database (and I don't really want to know).

I think you are better off asking in a Frontpage newsgroup.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at||| wrote:

> Hi,
> Well I'm brand new to frontpage and SQL so I'm probably doing something
> really stupid... but here's the problem. I have created a form that
> saves it's information to an SQL server databse. So I created all the
> fields on the form and created corresponding columns in a a table in
> the SQL database. All is working fine except for 2 scrolling text box
> fields. When I try to associate those fields with the columns in the
> SQL Databse, frontpage tells me that the fields do not match - I have
> tried changing the column type from char to varchar and others but it
> still won't work. All other fields that have radio buttons and text
> boxes work ok with char. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Micheal

Try Text or NText.sql

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