Wednesday, March 21, 2012

front end for cubes

currently i use MSInsight as my cubes front end. its an asp page that users can build reports from cubes. its pretty old, and since ive started upgrading to AS2005, it doesnt work properly, leading me to think that it is not compatiable with AS2005 cubes. so im wondering, whats a good front end that can be used by many users? this rules excel out, as i need a front end that can be used my many users.

I can't speak to whether it's good, as I haven't used it, but here's one:

their WinForms OLAP viewer control looked decent when I evaluated it a couple months ago.


There's a lot out there to choose from; see

as a good starting point. What kind of front end are you after?

You should also check out what's coming in the medium term with PerformancePoint, which is based in part on the technology that Microsoft acquired from Proclarity last year. See



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