Monday, March 12, 2012

Fresh Starter in ReportViewer Needs Some Guidance


I just started to learn ReportViewer and Reporting Services recently. A few days ago, I created a report project with some reports in it. A few moments ago, I tried to create a page with a ReportViewer in it by using Visual Studio. In smart tag of this ReportViewer, I set the Report Server Url and the Report Path so the ReportViewer refers the reports that I made previously. When I run my application, I receive "The permissions granted to user 'IT-HARIS\IUSR_IT-HARIS' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)" message. What should I do next? How to set the permission of a user so he / she is authorized to do an action?

Thanks in advance

Try this cool link



From your description, it seems that the "IT-HARIS\IUSER_IT-HARIS" is the anonymous user in IIS you set, right?

If so, I think that you should disable the anonymous visiting in your IIS first. And then try to open the SQL reporting service configuration, try to make sure that the user registered in web service identity has been in theSQLServer2005ReportingServiceWebServiceUsers$UserName$XXX andSQLServer2005ReportServerUser$UserName$XXX group, if not, add the user into these two groups.


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