Friday, March 9, 2012

Freeze panes when report is exported to Excel

I am using RS 2005 and emailing reports in Excel to my end users. Is it possible to set the report in VS.Net to freeze the panes so that the user will always see the column A when they scroll to the right once they view the report in Excel?

I have the feeling the answer is no, but I thought I'd check.

Hi, there is a property named FixedHeader. I didn′t try that this deep yet (only for table header) , but it would be worth a try. I guess you will your own rendering extension as the rendering for Excel didn′t brought back the right results with fixed headers for me (worked well in HTML, but not in Excel)

HTH, jens Suessmeyer.|||

I'm having the exact same issue. Has anyone been able to accomplish this successfully?

Jens Suessmeyer: I tried the property option but that didn’t work for me. The closest to what I’m trying to accomplish (that I’ve gotten); it’s using a report header which freezes the first row (or whatever u have in the header) yet by design it doesn’t accomplish what I (and rs12345) am trying to do.

The only option that I see out there is purchasing OfficeWriter by SoftArtisans or just try to figure out how they do it and write the code (It seems they use scripts... not sure yet).

Any ideas anybody? (or links :) )

|||Sorry, we don't support programmatic setting of Freeze Panes. The only

thing Excel export uses Freeze Panes for is for the PageHeader when

SimpleHeaders=false (the default).

Excel export ignores the FixedHeaders property.

OfficeWriter would support your use case, because you author the report in Excel and can set the freeze panes when designing the report. You could also use the ExcelApplication class from OfficeWriter to modify the output file.

OfficeWriter doesn't use VBA scripting, if that's what you mean; it reads, modifies, and writes the binary BIFF8 Excel format.

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