Monday, March 26, 2012


How can I do FTP(File transfer protocol) tasks in between 2-3 remote servers?I want to know in details.I have to do by writing SQL SERVER 2000 programming code.Originally posted by subhasishray
How can I do FTP(File transfer protocol) tasks in between 2-3 remote servers?I want to know in details.I have to do by writing SQL SERVER 2000 programming code.

This site shows a simple task. Get some direction from here:

thanks to nigelrivett|||Yeah,

Nigel's stuff is great!

Or you could just execute a bat file

master..xp_cmdshell 'D:\Somelocation\FTP_EVPDNS.bat'

Where that contains something like:

c:\winnt\system32\ftp -s:E:\Projects\GOCall\FTP\INST.ftp > INST_ftp.log
c:\winnt\system32\ftp -s:E:\Projects\GOCall\FTP\RETA.ftp > RETA_ftp.log

And the script file contains (
this is going to the mainframe)

open servername
quote site cyl pri=5 sec=2 lrecl=677 blksize=6770 recfm=fb retpd=60
put v:\data\Reta.txt 'AD2AIC.EVPDNS.RETAIL.FEED.W0340'

There will be a log created in the location of the bat file which will show you the results...

But if it's SQL Server to SQL Server, why not create a linked server?

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