Monday, March 26, 2012

FT Search with nois words

Is there a way to make it possible to search for the following
searchstring with containstable?
"test AND is"
what i mean is that it will ignore the word "is" but will continu
searching for "test"
thnx in advance,
Your best bets are to use FreeTextTable or parse the noise words out at the
client. Please find a sample attached.
You could also remove is and other noise words from your noise word list to
get rid of this message.
"Marius" <> wrote in message om...
> Hello,
> Is there a way to make it possible to search for the following
> searchstring with containstable?
> "test AND is"
> what i mean is that it will ignore the word "is" but will continu
> searching for "test"
> thnx in advance,
> Marius
begin 666 searchpage1.htm
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M`' `(@.`@.`&T`90!T`&@.`;P!D`#T`1P!%`%0`/@.`-``H`/ !B`#X`4P!E`&$`
M<@.!C`&@.`.@.`\`"\`8@.`^``T`"@.`\`$D`3@.!0`%4`5 `@.`%0`60!0`$4`/0`B
M`'0`90!X`'0`(@.`@.`$X`00!-`$4`/0`B`'0`80!R`&<`90!T`"(`( !3`$D`
M6@.!%`#T`(@.`T`#4`(@.`@.`$T`00!8`$P`10!.`$<`5 !(`#T`(@.`Q`# `, `B
M`" `5@.!!`$P`50!%`#T`(@.`B`#X`#0`*`#P`20!.`% `50!4`" `5 !9`% `
M10`]`"(`<P!U`&(`;0!I`'0`(@.`@.`$X`00!-`$4`/0`B`&<`;P!"`'4`= !T
M`&\`;@.`B`" `5@.!!`$P`50!%`#T`(@.`@.`%,`90!A`'(`8P!H`" `(@.`@.`&\`
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M`&\`<@.!M`"@.`= !H`&D`<P`N`&8`;P!R`&T`*0`B`#X`#0`*`#P`:0!N`' `
M=0!T`" `= !Y`' `90`]`"(`: !I`&0`9 !E`&X`(@.`@.`&X`80!M`&4`/0`B
M`&X`80!V`$4`=@.!E`&X`= `B`" `=@.!A`&P`=0!E`#T`(@.!4`&\`< `B`#X`
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|||SQL Server has a config file that specifies all the noise words it ignores
in full text searches. It is located here:
Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\FTDATA\SQLServer\Config\noise.eng
I'm not sure of the specifics on how you get SQL Server to recognize an
update to this file.
"Marius" <> wrote in message om...
> Hello,
> Is there a way to make it possible to search for the following
> searchstring with containstable?
> "test AND is"
> what i mean is that it will ignore the word "is" but will continu
> searching for "test"
> thnx in advance,
> Marius
|||But if I empty this file it will no longer ignore the noise words
What I want is that the words will be ignored but the query will still
continue searching the database.
Here is the query I use to search:
SELECT Total.TopicID,
(SELECT MAX(PostDate) FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
Total.TopicID) AS LastPost,
(SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
Total.TopicID) AS NumberOfReplies,
(SELECT UserFirstName + ' ' + UserLastName FROM Users WHERE
UserID = (SELECT UserID FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID = Total.TopicID
AND PostDate = (SELECT MIN(PostDate) FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
Total.TopicID))) AS Poster,
SUM(Total.Score) AS Score
SELECT fp.TopicID,
FROM CONTAINSTABLE (ForumPost, PostMessage, @.strSearchString) A
JOIN ForumPost fp ON A.[Key] = fp.PostID
SELECT B.[Key] AS TopicID,
B.RANK * 3 AS Score
FROM CONTAINSTABLE (ForumTopic, TopicTitle, @.strSearchString) B
) AS Total
JOIN ForumTopic ft ON Total.TopicID = ft.TopicID
JOIN ForumCategory fc ON ft.CategoryID = fc.CategoryID
JOIN Forum f ON fc.ForumID = f.ForumID
GROUP BY Total.TopicID, f.AuthorizationItemID, ft.TopicTitle,
ft.TopicStatus, ft.CategoryID, f.ForumAfk, f.ForumName, f.ForumID,
The query it self works perfectly as far is I tested. But a
searchstring like 'test AND is' fails. Looking for a string like
'"test is"' does work but then it wil look for that exact string and
that's not the answer i'm looking for.
A option is ofcourse to remove the noise words from the string in my
code so they never end up in the store procedure. But I realy don't
like that solution so I hope there is an other way.
"Kevin Lewis" <> wrote in message news:<eoyE5eitEHA.4044@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl>...[vbcol=seagreen]
> SQL Server has a config file that specifies all the noise words it ignores
> in full text searches. It is located here:
> Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\FTDATA\SQLServer\Config\noise.eng
> I'm not sure of the specifics on how you get SQL Server to recognize an
> update to this file.
> "Marius" <> wrote in message
> om...
|||yes, they will no longer be searched on. Your best bet is to filter them out
at the client.
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
"Marius" <> wrote in message om...
> But if I empty this file it will no longer ignore the noise words
> (right?).
> What I want is that the words will be ignored but the query will still
> continue searching the database.
> Here is the query I use to search:
> --Begin
> SELECT Total.TopicID,
> f.AuthorizationItemID,
> ft.TopicTitle,
> ft.TopicStatus,
> (SELECT MAX(PostDate) FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
> Total.TopicID) AS LastPost,
> (SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
> Total.TopicID) AS NumberOfReplies,
> (SELECT UserFirstName + ' ' + UserLastName FROM Users WHERE
> UserID = (SELECT UserID FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID = Total.TopicID
> AND PostDate = (SELECT MIN(PostDate) FROM ForumPost WHERE TopicID =
> Total.TopicID))) AS Poster,
> f.ForumAfk,
> f.ForumName,
> f.ForumID,
> fc.CategoryName,
> SUM(Total.Score) AS Score
> (
> SELECT fp.TopicID,
> SUM(A.RANK) AS Score
> FROM CONTAINSTABLE (ForumPost, PostMessage, @.strSearchString) A
> JOIN ForumPost fp ON A.[Key] = fp.PostID
> GROUP BY fp.TopicID
> SELECT B.[Key] AS TopicID,
> B.RANK * 3 AS Score
> FROM CONTAINSTABLE (ForumTopic, TopicTitle, @.strSearchString) B
> ) AS Total
> JOIN ForumTopic ft ON Total.TopicID = ft.TopicID
> JOIN ForumCategory fc ON ft.CategoryID = fc.CategoryID
> JOIN Forum f ON fc.ForumID = f.ForumID
> GROUP BY Total.TopicID, f.AuthorizationItemID, ft.TopicTitle,
> ft.TopicStatus, ft.CategoryID, f.ForumAfk, f.ForumName, f.ForumID,
> fc.CategoryName
> ORDER BY Total.Score DESC
> --End
> The query it self works perfectly as far is I tested. But a
> searchstring like 'test AND is' fails. Looking for a string like
> '"test is"' does work but then it wil look for that exact string and
> that's not the answer i'm looking for.
> A option is ofcourse to remove the noise words from the string in my
> code so they never end up in the store procedure. But I realy don't
> like that solution so I hope there is an other way.
> Marius
> "Kevin Lewis" <> wrote in message

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