Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm not to familiar with SQL so I'm frustrated. The deal is this: I have a table with product information in it. I'm creating an xml doc from this data via a datagrid. I have to add two extra fields into the table to match my DTD. I did that fine and what I need to do is set those fields equal to the value in another. I need to pull my id field value and store that in the BuyUrl field which is appended to the end of a url. How can I achieve this? Thanks for your help.Select
field1, field2, field3,
field1 as field4, field2 as field5
from table1

You can select fields multiple times in a SELECT statement. Using the AS operator assigns a new name to the column (for purposes of the query).|||::I'm not to familiar with SQL so I'm frustrated,

In geneeral reading the documentation or a good book helps.

I would recommend SQL for dummies.


Sql Server 2000 for dummies

If you really have a generic problems with your knowledge about SQL, then any particular help to answer one qusstion is wasted help. Among the lines of:

Give a hungy man a fish, and he will not be hungry for the day. Teach him how to fish, and he will never be hungry again.

I suggest sitting down and getting one o fthe books and reading them.|||lots of people rec' "SQL for Dummies", might be worth a look. No offense.|||Nevermind I figured it out without the book. Seems like developers are turning out to be like network engineers. No one wants to help anyone any more. When you need a quick answer because you're trying to meet a deadline a quick answer or a point in the right direction would be appreciated. Not go buy the book. Thanks.|||Sorry you feel like that. When the question is so very simple its more helpful to direct you to somewhere you can learn about the problem and other simple issues that you're bound to fall foul of.

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