Friday, March 23, 2012

FrontPage/SharePoint Designer Search and Replace Fills Transaction

When we run a search and replace across all pages in one our web site (104
pages), my transaction log on the SQL Server grows by about 200 MB of space!
This has caused major system headaches - the transaction log fills, causes
IIS to fail, causing my clients using FP / SP Designer not to be able to sav
the files they have opened / edited.
That database is 400MB in size while the Transaction Log is now over 6GB.
and the minimum Log is now 6GB too. We can't keep having this log grow
exponential like this.
Also - In the event log, I see that there a couple of 'webparts' that are
failing on the global search and replace: WSS 2.0 Error: Failing in loading
assemble Customer.WebParts, Version=
We're running SQL Server 2000 SP4, on a Windows 2003 Server with WSS 2.0
using the latest versions of FrontPage and SharePoint Designer.
Thoughts?After posting this, I started to search the WSS / Sharepoint forums (instead
of just SQL Server) and see that this is a common issue and found a variety
of ways to correct this.
"iZa" wrote:

> When we run a search and replace across all pages in one our web site (104
> pages), my transaction log on the SQL Server grows by about 200 MB of spac
> This has caused major system headaches - the transaction log fills, causes
> IIS to fail, causing my clients using FP / SP Designer not to be able to s
> the files they have opened / edited.
> That database is 400MB in size while the Transaction Log is now over 6GB.
> and the minimum Log is now 6GB too. We can't keep having this log grow
> exponential like this.
> Also - In the event log, I see that there a couple of 'webparts' that are
> failing on the global search and replace: WSS 2.0 Error: Failing in loadin
> assemble Customer.WebParts, Version=
> We're running SQL Server 2000 SP4, on a Windows 2003 Server with WSS 2.0
> using the latest versions of FrontPage and SharePoint Designer.
> Thoughts?

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