Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fromatting excel column


I have an excel export with numeric values. When the SSIS package writes into the excel it treats all data types as strings and attaches an apostrophe in the beginning. I tried formatting the excel sheet with the number data type and saving it . It doesnt work.

Other strange thing is that when I go into the advanced editor for the excel destination and look into the properties of the external columns all of them have the data type as Unicode String[DT_WSTR] irrespective of what the data type is from the input.The UI allows me to change it to numeric for numeric columns without any error but the value is not saved at all which is very frustrating. I also tried changing it in the xml file of the package, it some how seems to overwrite it after validation. It would be really nice if it threw an error saying that it cannot be changed.

Anyways there seems to be no way of changing the destination data type if it s an existing file and if I create a new excel sheet there is no way of formatting data. Is there any way out?


Interesting report on the behavior your seeing. My experience was quite the opposite when working with an Excel import package.

I found the Excel connector to be VERY tightly bound to the defined data types within the actual Excel file. I also found that it seemed to determine the type by the top few rows and not necessarily by the whole data set.|||chandrala's issues are with an Excel destination, not a source though.|||Ya my issue is with destination if I create a new excel file or if I already have an excel file it doesnt matter. It is kind of dumb to expect that the file already has to have some data before the export to determine the type. Most exports are into an unpopulated file. Please let me know how to tackle this.|||I'm having the same issue. Anyone come up with a resolution?|||On the destination connection, I had first row has column names. Set this to no, and everything worked.|||

Grant Mackay wrote:

On the destination connection, I had first row has column names. Set this to no, and everything worked.

This make sense as SSIS try to guess the data type based on the first values of the column. If you have the column names in you first row; then SSIS will treat it as String; which be correct. May that be your problem?

I also found few trheads taking about data conversition when excel is the destination:


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