Monday, March 19, 2012

From dataset into Report

First of all:

Thanks for the time lost in trying to resolve my problems,
I have 2 Diferent Databases and N Tables in each one.

Database1 - TableA
CliCod -- CliName -- SalesMan
() () ()

Database2 - TableA
UniqueKey -- CliName -- Value
() () ()

My problem is not to create the SQL Statement but where to put it (implement it).
Select a.*
From database2.TableA A
Inner join Database1.TableA B ON A.CliName == B.CliName
Where A.SalesMan= @.Input String from User.

Please ber with me :(

All the examples I found are for 1 database - N Tables.
I want ->2<- databases - N tables

I think the best choice is to use the Push Model, so that I create a dataset to pass to crystal report, (and crystal report viewer).

But how can I create a dataset from 2 databases when the data adapter connectionString wants just one database to connect to.

How can I cross reference two Tables in different Databases into the same DataSet, so that I can pass this dataset into the Crystal Report.

I will be very grateful you could help me, because I can not find an example doing this any where.
The SQL statement would look something like this:

Thanks for your time.simplest way would be to creat a temporary dataset, and then connect to that:
SQL sample as follows, to get data from table1 and table2 and store in tableTemp

SELECT table1.PDATE, table1.PLINE, table1.PSHIFT, table1.RUNTIME, table2.RTIME INTO tableTemp
FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.PDATE = table2.PDATE
WHERE (table1.PDATE=#11/19/2004#);

That gives you your server-side table ready for connection.

dave|||I'm not sure how a dataset works...

I use VB6 and Crystal Reports 8.5...

In VB 6, I use ADO to get my data, then I pass the recordset to Crystal Reports (using RDC). See this link ( for an example. Doing it this way would allow you to easily pull data from more than one table or database.|||Have you tried using the Merge method of the dataset? can generate
2 datasets from the 2 databases...and then merge these dataset into a single one and bind your crystal report to it..just make sure that the 2 datasets have the same structure.



i hope this helps :)

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