Monday, March 19, 2012

From Cursors to a simple Select

Hi all

There is a stored procedure that updates a "sales" table with the current "sales representative" taken from the "customers" table. I'm changing this mess of cursors into a simple update, my first approach was just to do a select (instead of update) just to verify that the rows selected were the ones that really needed to be changed. The select is very simple but is returning a cartesian product instead of just the 200+ (aprox) rows. I would appreciate if someone took a quick look at this select and see what I'm missing :) (I'm including the code for the cursor as well as the code for the select)


-- Recast salesman

Declare @.vsite_code varchar(2)
Declare @.vcustno varchar(10)
Declare @.vsalrep char(4)
Declare @.vcustfx smallint
Declare @.Ssite_code varchar(2)
Declare @.Scustno varchar(10)
Declare @.Ssalrep char(4)
Declare @.Scustfx smallint
Declare @.i int
Declare @.intcnt int
Declare @.cnt int
Declare @.vprodate datetime
Declare @.vpro varchar(20)
Declare @.vmesg varchar(30)
Declare @.vmesg2 varchar(30)
Declare @.vmesg3 varchar(30)
Declare @.UpdFlag varchar(1)
Declare @.Ucnt int
Declare @.icnt int

Set @.i = 0
Set @.cnt = 0
Set @.ucnt = 0
Set @.icnt = 0
Set @.UpdFlag = 'N'

Declare Customer_cur Cursor for
Select site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx, sales_rep
From Customer
where Active_Flag = 'A'
and sales_rep <> 'XXXX'
Order by site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx
For Read only

Open Customer_Cur

Fetch Next from Customer_Cur
into @.vsite_code, @.vcustno, @.vcustfx, @.vsalrep

While @.@.FETCH_STATUS = 0

Declare sales_cur Cursor for
Select site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx, salesrep
From Sales
Where site_code = @.vsite_code
and cust_no = @.vcustno
and cust_sffx = @.vcustfx
and salesrep <> @.vsalrep
Order by Site_code, cust_no, cust_sffx
For Update

Open Sales_cur


Fetch Next
from sales_cur
into @.ssite_code, @.scustno, @.scustfx, @.Ssalrep

While (@.@.fetch_status = 0)

-- If @.vsalrep <> @.Ssalrep

-- Begin
Update Sales
set salesrep = @.vsalrep
Where current of Sales_cur

set @.ucnt = @.ucnt + 1
-- End

Fetch Next from sales_cur
into @.ssite_code, @.scustno, @.scustfx, @.Ssalrep


deallocate sales_cur

Fetch Next
from Customer_Cur
into @.vsite_code, @.vcustno, @.vcustfx, @.vsalrep



set @.vprodate = getdate()
set @.vpro = 'Recast Salesman '
set @.vmesg = Str(@.ucnt) + ' Records Changed'

Insert into Batch
(batchdate, process, message )
Values (@.vprodate, @.vpro, @.vmesg )

Close Customer_Cur
deallocate Customer_Cur


use salesdatamart;
Select A.site_code,
From Sales As A
Inner Join Customer As B
On A.site_code = B.site_code AND
A.cust_no = B.cust_no AND
A.cust_sffx = B.cust_sffx AND
A.salesrep != B.sales_rep AND
B.sales_rep != 'XXXX' AND
B.active_flag = 'A'

Thanks in advance for your help :)

Luis TorresDDL and sample data?

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