Monday, March 12, 2012

Friendly Names of Dimension Attributes for ProClarity UI tool


I am creating Cubes, Dimensions and most of all the SSAS objects using AMO. I use the data from a Oracle datawarehouse for this. Finally when the cubes are ready I use a front end tool called ProClarity Web Professional to create reports off it.

Proclarity displays the cube data with the dimensions as drop downs in the web page. The problem is that the Dimensions and its attributes display the label and value as "DIM_dimname_ColumName". This is because in SSAS the id is programmatically set as "DIM_DimName_ColumnName", This is a standard in the system and cant be changed.

Now I want ProClarity to display friendly names, that I would set in the ssas objects. I am not able to find any property in SSAS where i can set friendly names.

Guess: While I create reports in ProClarity, it gives me a option under Cube Options > Memeber Names > Show Default Names Or Show Alternate member Names. Proclarity displays a message saying that "Alternate names are only avaliable if they exists in the cube definition." Now my question is, does this have to do something with friendly names of the dim and dimAttirbutes? if so how to set them in SSAS?


Vijay R

Hi Vijay:

The IDs can definitely be changed in the XML. But I am not sure whether the AMO code will give you access to that. You could try setting the Dimension.Name property in your code.



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