Monday, March 12, 2012

Fresh RS Install - weird bug

Hi all,

My RS install is having a strange issue. I've installed RS on an IIS Server and pointed to a remote server database. The IIS server is secured using an internally issued SSL cert.

After some tweaking, I've been able to get RS to work (almost) properly. I'm able to deploy reports from Visual Studio and view them through the RS Web App. Of course, I have admin rights on this box.

My problem is this: The web app won't let me add a New Role Assignment for my users. The only Role Assignment is BUILTIN\Administrators. I need to add a "Browser Only" role for the users. When I click "New Role Assignment" from the project folder's security menu, it displays the New Role Assignment page. I type in the group name and click the Browser checkbox. Finally, I click the OK button, but nothing happens. Its like there isn't an event tied to the button. However, the Cancel and New Role buttons work just fine.

Why aren't my OK buttons working? This is the most bizzare issue, but it's completely halted my production. I've tried re-installing RS but am having the same issue. Please, any help will be much appreciated.

Even a quick workaround to edit folder security would be nice at this point.

Thanks!Couple things:

1. Is it possible that the web browser you are using has scripting disabled?
2. Do you see a warning icon at the bottom-left of the browser after you click OK?|||

Yes - we've seen this kind of behavior when you are using an Internet Browser that does not support scripting. In SQL Server 2005, Report Manager UI supports most operations in browsers other than Internet Explorer - but it is not perfect. Underneath the covers, we use different ways of implementing buttons so being able to click some but not others is a symptom of this problem.

If you have trouble doing this in report manager, you can use SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 to do this as well.

Hope that helps,
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