Friday, March 9, 2012

Freeze Panes?

Is there functionality within the Table or Matrix objects to freeze columns or row headers when you scroll thru a wide or long report? Similay to the freeze panes functionality in Excel.


Yes, RS 2005 provides this functionality. E.g. in the table properties dialog on the general tab, select "Header should remain visible while scrolling".

-- Robert

|||Sorry.. i may be missing something obvious within the properties, but where is this functionality with a Matrix for row and column headings?|||

In the matrix case, the setting is on the row / column groupings. For instance, you can
1. open the matrix properties dialog
2. go to the Groups tab
3. edit a column or row group
4. and on the general tab of the grouping and sorting dialog, select "Group header should remain visible while scrolling"

-- Robert


I noticed that facility in RS 2005, but could not found it in RS 2000.
I'd appreciate if anybody could give a work around.


As I mentioned in my initial response, only RS 2005 provides this feature. It is not available in RS 2000.

-- Robert

|||Thank you Robert.

I am unable to get this to work on my matrix. When I select 'group header should remain visible while scrolling' (for either row or column), I then get the error

[rsFixedHeadersInInnerDataRegion] The matrix ‘matrix1’ includes a table header or column with FixedHeader set to true. This is not allowed on data regions inside other data regions.

Can anyone provide any help?

|||It seems that your matrix is nested inside another data control which as the error message suggests does not allow fixed headers.|||

Hi ,

Is ther any way to keep the first set of N columns along with the data as frozen and the other columns move behind it as in excel.

I tried to check the option in layout --> fixed header = true but the header along remains frozen but the data is getting overlapped.

please do help at the earliest.




I got the same problem when I select 'group header should remain visible while scrolling' (for either row or column), I got the error

[rsFixedHeadersInInnerDataRegion] The matrix ‘matrix1’ includes a table header or column with FixedHeader set to true. This is not allowed on data regions inside other data regions.

I have matrix inside a table which I set FixedHeader to False but still got the same error. I can't find other places who set fixedheader properties. Any suggestion would be very appraciate!

Thanks in advance!

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