Wednesday, March 7, 2012

FREETEXTTABLE on more than one indexed fields

Is it possible to do a FT search on MULTIPLE fields in an
Index? I know that the FREETEXTTABLE can only do it on either one or all
indexed columns. But what if i want to do it for more columns.
Or is it possible to create a second FT-INDEX for the same table? I want to
index different fields in each one to use it in different areas.
Note: Full-Text seach MUST be used. I know I could write an OR statement,
but it must be done with a FT search. Any ideas?Denis,
See, my reply in the fulltext newsgroup, but yes, this can be done, see "SQL
Server FTS across multiple tables or columns" at:!1pWDBCiDX1uvH5ATJmNCVLPQ!316.e
and substitute freetexttable for containstable in the examples.
SQL Full Text Search Blog
"Denis" <> wrote in message
> Is it possible to do a FT search on MULTIPLE fields in an
> Index? I know that the FREETEXTTABLE can only do it on either one or all
> indexed columns. But what if i want to do it for more columns.
> Or is it possible to create a second FT-INDEX for the same table? I want
> index different fields in each one to use it in different areas.
> Note: Full-Text seach MUST be used. I know I could write an OR
> but it must be done with a FT search. Any ideas?
>|||I looked at what you said but I am not sure how that would work. Let me
give you an idea of the type of how i am trying to do the search.
-- Old Search
--SET @.dynQuery = @.dynQuery + ' INNER JOIN
FREETEXTTABLE(tblJobsDataWareHouse, *, ''' + @.Keywords + ''') as KW ON
--SET @.RankField = 'KW.RANK'
SET @.dynQuery = @.dynQuery + ' INNER JOIN
FREETEXTTABLE(tblJobsDataWareHouse, fldRequirementshtm, ''' + @.Keywords +
''') as KW ON FT_TBL.uID = KW.[KEY] '
SET @.RankField = 'KW.RANK'
SET @.dynQuery = @.dynQuery + ' FULL OUTER JOIN
FREETEXTTABLE(tblJobsDataWareHouse, fldJobTitle, ''' + @.Keywords + ''') as
SET @.RankField = 'KWw.RANK'
SET @.dynQuery = @.dynQuery + ' FULL OUTER JOIN
FREETEXTTABLE(tblJobsDataWareHouse, fldCompanyName, ''' + @.Keywords + ''')
as KWww ON FT_TBL.uID = KWww.[KEY]'
SET @.RankField = 'KWww.RANK'
I want my new search to look at Title, Description and Company name only,
rather than every field that was included.

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